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K Class vs. U.D.1

K Class vs. U.D.1

If you were to be asked what was large, metallic, mechanical and steam powered I would imagine your most likely answer would be that of a steam engine or train. But bizarrely in the late 18th century the “Old Man of Europe” the Ottoman Empire commissioned...
Best Battleship : Anti-Aircraft Guns

Best Battleship : Anti-Aircraft Guns

I’m working on a comprehensive ranking system to establish a hierarchy in the effectiveness of each class of battleship, basically finding what was the best battleship. This post will kick off the series by looking at the anti-aircraft guns of each battleship to...
SMS Lutzow and her Doomed Journey Home

SMS Lutzow and her Doomed Journey Home

The Battle of Jutland comes down to us through history bearing many tales of ‘daring-do’. Story’s of ships exploding, of sailors manning their posts when all is lost, of wrong decisions and Admirals blinkered to the moment. Of ships being battered and surviving to...